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Chocolate was Consumed Many Millennia Ago

The first instances of chocolate being consumed go back as far as 4,000 years. Some estimates put this date further back to 5,300 years ago. People native to Mesoamerica harvested chocolate pods from high up in cacao trees growing in the wild. It is thought that the pulp was eaten rather than the seeds. The pulp is sweet, whereas the seeds are incredibly bitter.

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Chocolate Liquor

This, the professional term for unsweetened chocolate, consists of roasted cacao nibs ground into a thick paste that may be semi-liquid or solid, depending on the temperature. It contains no alcohol. The word “liquor” refers to its semi-liquid state. The two main components of chocolate liquor are cocoa butter (the fat that causes chocolate to literally melt in your mouth) and nonfat dry cocoa solids.