Chocolate News

Happy National Chocolate Day!  November 29, 2019


8 unbelievable facts about the $103 billion chocolate industry


Chocolate is one of the world’s favorite foods, and the global chocolate industry is worth over $100 billion dollars. Behind one of our favorite foods is a $103 billion industry with aspects most people don’t know about — some sweet, and others that might leave a bitter taste in your mouth. Read on (click here) for eight surprising facts about the chocolate industry.

No, we won’t run out of chocolate by 2050


News of a global chocolate doomsday has gone viral, with chocoholics fearing an end to their fix. But don’t panic: Chocolate is not on the brink of extinction — yet. Check out the full story, here.

Austrian thief steals 20 tons of chocolate


A thief in Austria made off with €50,000 (about $55,000) worth of Milka chocolate in a truck after convincing a factory that he was the courier. The police say incidents of this type have become more common in recent years.

Chocolate chip cookies are about to be baked in outer space


There has never been an oven in space. Until now. Any day now, the first five chocolate chip cookies will be baked in space aboard the International Space Station (ISS), an initial test of what happens in a zero gravity oven. But astronauts won’t get to eat the fresh-baked cookies. Three of the chocolate chip cookies will get sent back to Earth for analysis, and the remaining two will go in the trash.