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This Is How Long Chocolate Chips Take To Go Bad

chocolate chips go bad

It’s probably been a while since you relied on your oven for therapy time, but let’s be honest: You kind of miss it. You miss being distracted by the step-by-step routine of the recipe. From kneading and melting to serving the first ooey-gooey slice of whatever you felt like having, nothing gets you feeling better than baking something delicious in the oven. If you do it regularly or like to have your shelf ready for dessert inspiration, you probably have any number of clever ingredients that elevate your baking game stacked in your pantry. There is a bag of flour somewhere and baking powder leftovers you used on the recent holiday. You may also have a bag of chocolate chips from your last brownie-craving night — you remembered they were so good you need to give it a try all over again. But, are the chocolate chips good to go? It’s been months since you last used them, and the expiration date says to use them before a day that passed a long time ago. You try one, they don’t taste bad … but could something happen to you? In fact, there is a more important question you need to ask yourself before using your chocolate chips: How were they stored? Chocolate chips can last years if stored properly (read more, HERE).

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