Chocolate News

Happy National Chocolate Chip Day! May 15, 2022


Engineering students 3D print decorative molds for Mānoa chocolate shop


When you see a box of chocolates, you might not realize how much engineering goes into each individual truffle. Students in the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa’s Department of Mechanical Engineering learned first-hand as part of the new course in Advanced Additive Manufacturing. Under the guidance of Assistant Professor Tyler Ray, approximately 10 upper-level mechanical engineering students spent the spring 2022 semester developing a system based upon 3D printing to produce custom chocolate molds for the chocolate shop Choco leʻa, located in Mānoa valley just one mile away from campus.

The Massive Amount Of Water Needed To Make A Chocolate Bar


Chocolate is enjoyed all around the world and rightfully so; It’s delicious. But it’s also quite water intensive. According to Water Footprint, a 100 gram chocolate bar takes about 1700 liters of water to make. For those from the United States, this means it takes approximately 450 gallons of water to make 3.5 ounces of chocolate. Why so much? Find out HERE.

Controlling chemistry of chocolate making could speed up process without compromising taste


An alternative way to make dark chocolate has been created that is faster and more controllable than the conventional fermentation method. Chocolate made this way smells and tastes similar so could replace the usual process. Read more HERE.

Dutch scientists design ‘most enjoyable’ chocolate texture


Scientists from the University of Amsterdam, Delft University and Unilever have found a way to “optimize” the enjoyment of chocolate by 3D printing uniquely shaped and structured chocolate.