Chocolate News

Happy National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day! August 4, 2022


Happy World Chocolate Day! July 7, 2022


Toblerone chocolate to no longer have ‘Switzerland’ label


Toblerone will have to drop “Switzerland” from its packaging as the mountain-shaped chocolate will no longer be exclusively produced in its home country from 2023. Toblerone will open a new production line in Slovakia by the end of the year “to respond to the growing demand.” “For legal reasons, the changes we are bringing to our production require us to adjust our packaging to comply with the Swiss law, particularly to remove the word ‘Switzerland’ from the packaging front,” the company said.


This Thief Won This Bank’s Trust By Bringing Them Chocolate And Then Stole $28 Million In Diamonds

Want to know how? Click, HERE, for a video.


Why The Origin Of Chocolate Milk Is So Controversial


Where did chocolate milk come from? Who was the first person to inquire, “You know what would make this glass of milk taste even better?” Chocolate milk has, in reality, been around a lot longer than one may believe — and it was first concocted in a perhaps unexpected place. But the drink’s origins are often muddled, which has caused disputes between cultures throughout history.